Public Member Functions | |
abstract void | createGroup (V2TIMGroupInfo info, List< V2TIMCreateGroupMemberInfo > memberList, V2TIMValueCallback< String > callback) |
abstract void | getJoinedGroupList (V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMGroupInfo >> callback) |
abstract void | getGroupsInfo (List< String > groupIDList, V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMGroupInfoResult >> callback) |
abstract void | searchGroups (V2TIMGroupSearchParam searchParam, V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMGroupInfo >> callback) |
abstract void | searchCloudGroups (V2TIMGroupSearchParam searchParam, V2TIMValueCallback< V2TIMGroupSearchResult > callback) |
abstract void | setGroupInfo (V2TIMGroupInfo info, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | initGroupAttributes (String groupID, HashMap< String, String > attributes, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | setGroupAttributes (String groupID, HashMap< String, String > attributes, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | deleteGroupAttributes (String groupID, List< String > keys, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | getGroupAttributes (String groupID, List< String > keys, V2TIMValueCallback< Map< String, String >> callback) |
abstract void | getGroupOnlineMemberCount (String groupID, V2TIMValueCallback< Integer > callback) |
abstract void | setGroupCounters (String groupID, HashMap< String, Long > counters, V2TIMValueCallback< Map< String, Long >> callback) |
abstract void | getGroupCounters (String groupID, List< String > keys, V2TIMValueCallback< Map< String, Long >> callback) |
abstract void | increaseGroupCounter (String groupID, String key, long value, V2TIMValueCallback< Map< String, Long >> callback) |
abstract void | decreaseGroupCounter (String groupID, String key, long value, V2TIMValueCallback< Map< String, Long >> callback) |
abstract void | getGroupMemberList (String groupID, int filter, long nextSeq, V2TIMValueCallback< V2TIMGroupMemberInfoResult > callback) |
abstract void | getGroupMembersInfo (String groupID, List< String > memberList, V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMGroupMemberFullInfo >> callback) |
abstract void | searchGroupMembers (V2TIMGroupMemberSearchParam param, V2TIMValueCallback< HashMap< String, List< V2TIMGroupMemberFullInfo >>> callback) |
abstract void | searchCloudGroupMembers (V2TIMGroupMemberSearchParam param, V2TIMValueCallback< V2TIMGroupMemberSearchResult > callback) |
abstract void | setGroupMemberInfo (String groupID, V2TIMGroupMemberFullInfo info, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | muteGroupMember (String groupID, String userID, int seconds, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | muteAllGroupMembers (String groupID, boolean isMute, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | inviteUserToGroup (String groupID, List< String > userList, V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResult >> callback) |
abstract void | kickGroupMember (String groupID, List< String > memberList, String reason, int duration, V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResult >> callback) |
abstract void | setGroupMemberRole (String groupID, String userID, int role, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | markGroupMemberList (String groupID, List< String > memberIDList, int markType, boolean enableMark, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | transferGroupOwner (String groupID, String userID, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | kickGroupMember (String groupID, List< String > memberList, String reason, V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResult >> callback) |
abstract void | getGroupApplicationList (V2TIMValueCallback< V2TIMGroupApplicationResult > callback) |
abstract void | acceptGroupApplication (V2TIMGroupApplication application, String reason, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | refuseGroupApplication (V2TIMGroupApplication application, String reason, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | setGroupApplicationRead (V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | getJoinedCommunityList (V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMGroupInfo >> callback) |
abstract void | createTopicInCommunity (String groupID, V2TIMTopicInfo topicInfo, V2TIMValueCallback< String > callback) |
abstract void | deleteTopicFromCommunity (String groupID, List< String > topicIDList, V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMTopicOperationResult >> callback) |
abstract void | setTopicInfo (V2TIMTopicInfo topicInfo, V2TIMCallback callback) |
abstract void | getTopicInfoList (String groupID, List< String > topicIDList, V2TIMValueCallback< List< V2TIMTopicInfoResult >> callback) |
abstract |
1.1 Create a custom group (the advanced version API allows you to specify initial group members)
info | Custom group information, including the groupID, groupType, groupName, notification, introduction, and faceURL fields |
memberList | Specify initial group members (Audio-video groups do not support specifying initial group members. Pass in null for memberList.) |
abstract |
1.2 Get the list of groups that the current user has joined
abstract |
2.1 Pull group profiles
groupIDList | List of group IDs |
abstract |
2.2 Search for local group profiles (supported only in Chat Premium 5.4.666 and later versions)
searchParam | Search parameters |
abstract |
2.3 Search for cloud group profiles (supported only in 8.4 and later versions)
searchParam | Group search parameter. For details, see the definition of V2TIMGroupSearchParam. |
abstract |
2.4 Modify group profiles
abstract |
2.5 Initialize group attributes (this operation will clear the existing group attribute list)
abstract |
2.6 Set group attributes. (If the group attributes already exist, their values are updated. Otherwise, the group attributes are added.)
abstract |
2.7 Delete specified group attributes (If null is passed in for keys, all group attributes are cleared.)
abstract |
2.8 Get specified group attributes (If null is passed in for keys, all group attributes are obtained.)
abstract |
2.9 Get the number of online members of a group
abstract |
2.10 Set group counters (supported only in 7.0 and later versions)
abstract |
2.11 Get group counters (supported only in 7.0 and later versions)
abstract |
2.12 Increase group counters (supported only in 7.0 and later versions)
groupID | Group ID |
key | The key of group counter |
value | Increment of the group counter. The new value of the counter will be the old value plus this parameter (new_value = old_value + value). |
abstract |
2.13 Decrease group counters (supported only in 7.0 and later versions)
groupID | Group ID |
key | The key of group counter |
value | Decrement of the group counter. The new value of the counter will be the old value minus this parameter (new_value = old_value - value). |
abstract |
3.1 Get the group member list
filter | Specify the group member type
nextSeq | Pulling-by-page flag. Pass in 0 when the information is pulled for the first time. If the nextSeq returned by the onSuccess callback is not 0, the results are paginated, and you need to pass in the nextSeq returned and pull again. Repeat until the nextSeq returned becomes 0. |
abstract |
3.2 Get the profiles of specified group members
abstract |
3.3 Search for local group members (supported only in Chat Premium 5.4.666 and later versions)
param | Search parameters |
abstract |
3.4 Search for cloud group members (supported only in 8.4 and later versions)
searchParam | Group member search parameter. For details, see the definition of V2TIMGroupMemberSearchParam. |
abstract |
3.5 Modify the profiles of specified group members
abstract |
3.6 Mute a specific group member (this API can be called by the admin or group owner)
seconds | Time period (seconds) during which the specified user will be muted. |
abstract |
3.7 Mute all group members (supported only in 7.5 and later versions)
groupID | Group ID |
isMute | true means mute, false means unmute |
abstract |
3.8 Invite users to a group
abstract |
3.9 Remove a member from a group
groupID | Group ID |
memberList | The list of members to remove |
reason | The reason the member is removed |
duration | Time interval during which the target users will not be allowed to join the group again after being kicked out of the group in seconds |
callback | Callback |
abstract |
3.10 Set the role of a group member
abstract |
3.11 Mark group members (supported only by the Premium edition)
groupID | Group's identifier. |
memberIDList | Group member's identifier list. |
markType | The mark type is uint32_t, and the value must be equal or greater than 1000. You can customize it. A maximum of 10 marks are allowed to be defined in a group. |
enableMark | Set or remove. true means setting the mark, and false means removing the mark. |
abstract |
3.12 Change the group owner
abstract |
3.13 Remove a member from a group (supported for AVChatRoom only in Chat Premium 6.6 and later versions)
abstract |
4.1 Get the group joining request list
abstract |
4.2 Approve a group joining request
abstract |
4.3 Reject a group joining request
abstract |
4.4 Mark the group joining request list as read
abstract |
5.1 Get the list of Community-groups that the current user has joined
abstract |
5.2 Create topic
groupID | The community ID must start with @TGS_. |
abstract |
5.3 Delete topic
abstract |
5.4 Modify topic information
abstract |
5.5 Get topic list