IM features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication. It also provides complete app access and backend management APIs.
Android overview

>!**Do not use APIs of new and old versions at the same time**.

Initialization and Login APIs

To use Tencent Cloud IM services, you need to initialize the SDK and log in.

API Description
initSDK Initializes the SDK.
unInitSDK Uninitializes the SDK.
addIMSDKListener Add IM listener
removeIMSDKListener Remove IM listener
getVersion Gets the version number.
getServerTime Gets the server time.
login Logs in.
logout Logs out.
getLoginStatus Gets the login status.
getLoginUser Gets the UserID of the currently logged-in user.

Simple Message APIs

Use the following APIs for the sending and receiving of text and signaling (custom buffer) messages.

API Description
addSimpleMsgListener Adds an event listener for simple messages (text messages and custom messages).
Do not use it and addAdvancedMsgListener at the same time.
removeSimpleMsgListener Removes the event listener for simple messages (text messages and custom messages).
sendC2CTextMessage Sends a one-to-one (C2C) text message.
sendC2CCustomMessage Sends a one-to-one (C2C) custom (signaling) message.
sendGroupTextMessage Sends a group text message.
sendGroupCustomMessage Sends a group custom (signaling) message.

Signaling APIs

API Description
addSignalingListener Adds a signaling listener.
removeSignalingListener Removes a signaling listener.
invite Invites a user.
inviteInGroup Invites certain users in the group.
cancel Cancels an invitation.
accept Accepts an invitation.
reject Rejects an invitation.
getSignalingInfo Gets the signaling information.
addInvitedSignaling Adds invitation signaling (can be used for invitation signaling triggered by offline push messages for group invitations).
modifyInvitation modify invitation.

Advanced Message APIs

If you need to send/receive rich media messages (images, videos, files, etc.) and use advanced features such as recalling messages, marking messages as read, and querying message history, use the following advanced message APIs. Do not use simple messages APIs and advanced message APIs at the same time.

API Description
addAdvancedMsgListener Adds an event listener for advanced messages.
Do not use it and addSimpleMsgListener at the same time.
removeAdvancedMsgListener Removes the listener for advanced messages.
createTextMessage Creates a text message.
createTextAtMessage Creates an @ text message.
createCustomMessage Creates a custom message.
createImageMessage Creates an image message.
createSoundMessage Creates a voice message.
createVideoMessage Creates a video message.
createFileMessage Creates a file message.
createLocationMessage Creates a location message.
createFaceMessage Creates an emoji message.
createMergerMessage Creates a combined forward message.
createForwardMessage Creates a single forward message.
createTargetedGroupMessage Creates a targeted group message
createAtSignedGroupMessage Creates a group @ message.
sendMessage Sends a message. The message object can be created using a createXXXMessage API.
setC2CReceiveMessageOpt Sets the Mute Notifications option for one-to-one messages.
getC2CReceiveMessageOpt Gets the Mute Notifications status for one-to-one messages.
setGroupReceiveMessageOpt Sets the Mute Notifications option for group messages.
setAllReceiveMessageOpt Set global message do not disturb status (can be repeated daily)
setAllReceiveMessageOpt Set global message do not disturb status
getAllReceiveMessageOpt Get global message do not disturb status
getC2CHistoryMessageList Gets one-to-one (C2C) message history.
getGroupHistoryMessageList Gets group message history.
getHistoryMessageList Gets message history.
revokeMessage Recalls a message. The message object can be created using a createXXXMessage API.
modifyMessage Modifies a message. The message object can be created using a createXXXMessage API.
markC2CMessageAsRead Marks one-to-one (C2C) messages as read.
markGroupMessageAsRead Marks group messages as read.
markAllMessageAsRead Marks all messages as read.
deleteMessageFromLocalStorage Deletes a message from local storage.
deleteMessages Deletes messages from local storage and the cloud.
clearC2CHistoryMessage Clears chat history with a user from local storage and the cloud.
clearGroupHistoryMessage Clears chat history of a group from local storage and the cloud.
insertGroupMessageToLocalStorage Inserts a message in a group chat.
insertC2CMessageToLocalStorage Inserts a message in a one-to-one chat.
findMessages Finds local messages by msgID.
searchLocalMessages Searches for local messages.
searchCloudMessages Search cloud messages.
sendMessageReadReceipts Sends read receipts to the message sender for message which have been received.
getMessageReadReceipts Gets read receipts for messages which have been sent by myself.
getGroupMessageReadMemberList Gets group members profile who have read ths message.
setMessageExtensions set message extensions
getMessageExtensions get message extensions
deleteMessageExtensions delete message extensions
addMessageReaction add message reaction
removeMessageReaction remove message reaction
getMessageReactions get message reactions
getAllUserListOfMessageReaction get all user list of message reaction
translateText Translate Text Message

Group APIs

Tencent Cloud IM SDK supports the following preset group types, each of which pertains to different scenarios.

  • Work group (Work): similar to a WeChat group. Users can join the group only after being invited by existing members.
  • Public group (Public): similar to a QQ group. Users can join the group through requests, which need to be approved by the group owner or group admin.
  • Meeting group (Meeting): used together with TRTC to enable scenarios such as video conferencing and online education. Users can join and leave the group freely and view the message history before they join.
  • Community : supports up to 100,000 members; allows anyone to join and leave the group freely, without approval; suitable for large community group chat scenarios such as knowledge sharing and game communication. supported only in 5.8 and later versions, need to purchase the Premium edition, and then enable it via console > Feature Configuration > Group configuration > Group feature configuration > Community.
  • Audio-video group (AVChatRoom): suitable for scenarios such as live streaming and chat rooms with on-screen comments. Users can join and leave the group freely. There is no limit on the number of group members.
API Description
addGroupListener Adds an event listener for groups.
removeGroupListener Removes event listener for groups.
createGroup Creates a (simple) group.
createGroup Creates an (advanced) group. The group information and the initial group members can be set during group creation.
joinGroup Joins a group.
quitGroup Quits a group.
dismissGroup Deletes a group. Only the group owner and group admin can delete a group.
getJoinedGroupList Gets the list of groups the current user has joined, excluding audio-video groups.
getGroupsInfo Pulls profiles of groups.
searchGroups Searches for groups.
setGroupInfo Modifies the profile of a group.
initGroupAttributes Initializes group attributes.
setGroupAttributes Sets group attributes.
deleteGroupAttributes Deletes group attributes.
getGroupAttributes Gets group attributes.
getGroupOnlineMemberCount Gets the number of online group members.
setGroupCounters Set group counters.
getGroupCounters Get group counters.
increaseGroupCounter Increase group counters.
decreaseGroupCounter Decrease group counters.
getGroupMemberList Gets group member list.
getGroupMembersInfo Gets the profiles of specified group members.
searchGroupMembers Searches for group members.
setGroupMemberInfo Modifies the profile of a specified group member.
muteGroupMember Mutes a group member.
muteAllGroupMembers Mute all group members, only administrators or group owners can call this function.
kickGroupMember Kicks members out of a group.
setGroupMemberRole Sets the role for a group member.
markGroupMemberList Mark group member list .
transferGroupOwner Changes the group owner.
inviteUserToGroup Invites users to a group.
getGroupApplicationList Gets the list of requests to join a group.
acceptGroupApplication Approves a request to join a group.
refuseGroupApplication Rejects a request to join a group.
setGroupApplicationRead Marks the request list as read.
getJoinedCommunityList Gets the list of Community-groups that the current user has joined
createTopicInCommunity Creates topic
deleteTopicFromCommunity Deletes topic
setTopicInfo Modifies topic information
getTopicInfoList Gets topic list

Community APIs

Community is used to manage group members. All topics under a community can not only share community members, but also send and receive messages independently without interfering with each other.

API Description
addCommunityListener Adds an event listener for communities.
removeCommunityListener Removes event listener for communities.
createCommunity Creating a community with topic support
getJoinedCommunityList Gets the list of Community-groups that the current user has joined
createTopicInCommunity Creates topic
deleteTopicFromCommunity Deletes topic
setTopicInfo Modifies topic information.
getTopicInfoList Gets topic list.
createPermissionGroupInCommunity Create community permission group.
deletePermissionGroupFromCommunity Delete community permission group.
modifyPermissionGroupInfoInCommunity Modify community permission group.
getJoinedPermissionGroupListInCommunity Get joined community permission group list.
getPermissionGroupListInCommunity Get community permission group list.
addCommunityMembersToPermissionGroup Add members to community permission group.
removeCommunityMembersFromPermissionGroup Remove members from community permission group.
getCommunityMemberListInPermissionGroup Get community permission group member list.
addTopicPermissionToPermissionGroup Add topic permissions to the permission group.
deleteTopicPermissionFromPermissionGroup Delete topic permissions from the permission group.
modifyTopicPermissionInPermissionGroup Modify the topic permissions in the permission group.
getTopicPermissionInPermissionGroup Get the topic permissions in the permission group.

Conversation List APIs

The conversation list is the list a user sees on the first screen after logging in to WeChat or QQ. It includes elements such as conversation node, conversation name, group name, last message, and unread count.

API Description
addConversationListener Adds a conversation listener.
removeConversationListener Removes conversation listener.
getConversationList Gets the conversation list.
getConversation Gets a conversation.
getConversationList Gets multiple conversations.
getConversationListByFilter Gets multiple conversations (advanced API).
deleteConversation Deletes a conversation.
deleteConversationList 删除会话列表
setConversationDraft Sets draft for a conversation.
setConversationCustomData Sets custom data for a conversation.
pinConversation Pins a conversation to the top.
markConversation Marks a conversation to the top.
getTotalUnreadMessageCount Gets the total unread message count.
getUnreadMessageCountByFilter Get the total number of unread messages filtered by conversation.
subscribeUnreadMessageCountByFilter Register a listener for changes in the total number of unread messages in a specific conversation.
unsubscribeUnreadMessageCountByFilter Unregister a listener for changes in the total number of unread messages in a specific conversation.
cleanConversationUnreadMessageCount Clear the unread message count for a conversation.
createConversationGroup Create conversation group.
getConversationGroupList Get conversation group list.
deleteConversationGroup Delete conversation group.
renameConversationGroup Rename conversation group.
addConversationsToGroup Add conversations to group.
deleteConversationsFromGroup Delete conversations from group.

User Profile APIs

You can use the following APIs to query user profiles, modify your profile, and block messages from a specified user (i.e., adding a specified user to the blocklist).

API Description
getUsersInfo Gets users’ profiles.
setSelfInfo Modifies one's own user profile.
subscribeUserInfo Subscribe to user profile
unsubscribeUserInfo Unsubscribe from user profile
getUserStatus Gets user status information.
setSelfStatus Sets user status for yourself.
subscribeUserStatus Subscribes user status.
unsubscribeUserStatus Unsubscribes user status.
addToBlackList Blocks messages from a user, which means adding the user to the blocklist.
deleteFromBlackList Unblocks messages from a user, which means removing the user from the blocklist.
getBlackList Gets the blocklist.

Offline Push APIs

Use the offline push service if you want your app to receive IM messages in real time when it runs in the background. As there is currently no unified push service in the Chinese mainland, you need to configure offline push for the mobile phones of different vendors separately.

API Description
setOfflinePushConfig Configures offline push.
doBackground This API can be called when the app detects that the app switches to the background.
doForeground This API can be called when the app detects that the app switches to the foreground.

Friend Management APIs

By default, Tencent Cloud IM does not check your relationship with a user when receiving and sending messages. You can enable "Check Relationship for One-to-One Messages" on Feature Configuration > Login and Message > Relationship Check in the IM console and use the following APIs to delete/add friends and manage your friend list.

API Description
addFriendListener Adds a relationship chain listener to receive friend list and blocklist change events.
removeFriendListener Removes relationship chain listener.
getFriendList Gets the friend list.
getFriendsInfo Gets the profiles of specified friends.
setFriendInfo Sets the profile of a specified friend.
searchFriends Searches for friends.
addFriend Adds a friend.
deleteFromFriendList Deletes a friend.
checkFriend Checks relationship with specified users.
getFriendApplicationList Gets the list of friend requests.
acceptFriendApplication Accepts a friend request.
refuseFriendApplication Rejects a friend request.
deleteFriendApplication Deletes a friend request.
setFriendApplicationRead Marks a friend request as read.
createFriendGroup Creates a friend list.
getFriendGroups Gets the information of friend lists.
deleteFriendGroup Deletes friend lists.
renameFriendGroup Modifies the name of a friend list.
addFriendsToFriendGroup Adds friends to a friend list.
deleteFriendsFromFriendGroup Deletes friends from a friend list.
subscribeOfficialAccount Subscribe to a official account.
unsubscribeOfficialAccount Unsubscribe from a official account.
getOfficialAccountsInfo Get a list of official accounts.
followUser Follow users.
unfollowUser Unfollow users.
getMyFollowingList Get my follow list.
getMyFollowersList Get my fan list.
getMutualFollowersList Get my mutual follow list.
getUserFollowInfo Get the follow/fan/mutual follow count information for a specified user.
checkFollowType Check the follow type of a specified user.