IM features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication. It also provides complete app access and backend management APIs.

Instance Methods

(void) - addSignalingListener:
(void) - removeSignalingListener:
(NSString *) - invite:data:onlineUserOnly:offlinePushInfo:timeout:succ:fail:
(NSString *) - inviteInGroup:inviteeList:data:onlineUserOnly:timeout:succ:fail:
(void) - cancel:data:succ:fail:
(void) - accept:data:succ:fail:
(void) - reject:data:succ:fail:
(V2TIMSignalingInfo *) - getSignallingInfo:
(void) - addInvitedSignaling:succ:fail:
(void) - modifyInvitation:data:succ:fail:

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ V2TIMSignalingInfoSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMSignalingInfoSucc) (V2TIMSignalingInfo *signalInfo))

Callback definition on get signaling information successfully

Method Documentation

◆ addSignalingListener:()

- (void) addSignalingListener: (addSignalingListener(listener:))  NS_SWIFT_NAME

Add the signaling listener

◆ removeSignalingListener:()

- (void) removeSignalingListener: (removeSignalingListener(listener:))  NS_SWIFT_NAME

Remove the signaling listener

◆ invite:data:onlineUserOnly:offlinePushInfo:timeout:succ:fail:()

- (NSString*) invite: (NSString *)  invitee
data: (NSString *)  data
onlineUserOnly: (BOOL)  onlineUserOnly
offlinePushInfo: (V2TIMOfflinePushInfo *)  offlinePushInfo
timeout: (int)  timeout
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

Invite someone

inviteeInvitee's user ID
dataCustom data
timeoutTimeout duration, in seconds. If it is set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger the onInvitationTimeout callback.
onlineUserOnlyWhether the message can be received only by online users. If this field is set to true, the message can be received only by online users, and the invitation and the canceling, accepting, rejecting, and timeout of the invitation will not appear among historical messages.
offlinePushInfoOffline push information, where the desc field is required. The information specified by desc will be displayed by default during push.
inviteID Invitation ID. If the invitation fails, null is returned.

◆ inviteInGroup:inviteeList:data:onlineUserOnly:timeout:succ:fail:()

- (NSString*) inviteInGroup: (NSString *)  groupID
inviteeList: (NSArray *)  inviteeList
data: (NSString *)  data
onlineUserOnly: (BOOL)  onlineUserOnly
timeout: (int)  timeout
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

Invite certain users in the group

groupIDID of the inviter's group
inviteeListList of invitees. Invitees specified by inviteeList must be in the group specified by groupID. Otherwise, the invitation fails.
timeoutTimeout duration, in seconds. If it is set to 0, the SDK will not perform timeout detection or trigger the onInvitationTimeout callback.
onlineUserOnlyWhether the message can be received only by online users. If this field is set to true, the message can be received only by online users, and the invitation and the canceling, accepting, rejecting, and timeout of the invitation will not appear among historical messages.
inviteID Invitation ID. If the invitation fails, null is returned.
Currently, Group invitation does not support offline push. If you need offline push, you can send custom offline push messages to invitees separately.

◆ cancel:data:succ:fail:()

- (void) cancel: (NSString *)  inviteID
data: (NSString *)  data
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

Cancel an invitation (called by the inviter)

inviteIDInvitation ID
If all invitees have processed the current invitation (including timeout), the current invitation cannot be cancelled.

◆ accept:data:succ:fail:()

- (void) accept: (NSString *)  inviteID
data: (NSString *)  data
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

The invitee accepts the invitation

One can accept only invitations targeted at themselves. When receiving the onReceiveNewInvitation callback, check whether the current user is specified in inviteeList. If no, the current user cannot accept the invitation.

◆ reject:data:succ:fail:()

- (void) reject: (NSString *)  inviteID
data: (NSString *)  data
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

The invitee rejects the invitation

One can reject only invitations targeted at themselves. When receiving the onReceiveNewInvitation callback, check whether the current user is specified in inviteeList. If no, the current user cannot reject the invitation.

◆ getSignallingInfo:()

- (V2TIMSignalingInfo *) getSignallingInfo: (V2TIMMessage *)  msg

Get the signaling information

If onlineUserOnly is set to false in the invite operation, a custom message is generated for each signaling operation (including the invite, cancel, accept, reject, and timeout operations). The message will be delivered to users via V2TIMAdvancedMsgListener -> onRecvNewMessage and can be pulled by users via historical message pulling. If you want to customize the display text based on the signaling information, call this API to get the signaling information.

msgMessage object
V2TIMSignalingInfo Signaling information. If the value is nil, msg is not a signaling message.

◆ addInvitedSignaling:succ:fail:()

- (void) addInvitedSignaling: (V2TIMSignalingInfo *)  signallingInfo
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

Add invitation signaling

This API is mainly used to sync group invitations sent to offline users after they are online.

When the invitee clicks the offline push message notification and starts the App:

  1. If the inviter sends 1v1 signaling while the invitee is offline, the SDK can automatically sync the invitation signaling. If the invitation has not timed out, onReceiveNewInvitation will be triggered.
  2. If the inviter sends group signaling while the invitee is offline, different SDK behaviors are as follows:
  • versions lower than 6.7: SDK cannot automatically sync the invitation signaling. For the invitees to handle the invitation after they are online, the inviter can send an extra C2C offline push message carrying the V2TIMSignalingInfo object to each invitee and, when the invitees receive the offline push message, call addInvitedSignaling to sync V2TIMSignalingInfo to SDK.
  • versions equal or higher than 6.7: SDK can automatically sync messages in the last 30 seconds. If there are invitation signaling messages that have not timed out, onReceiveNewInvitation will be triggered. You don't need to call this API to sync the invitation signaling info.
If the added signaling information already exists, the callback throws the ERR_SDK_SIGNALING_ALREADY_EXISTS error code.

◆ modifyInvitation:data:succ:fail:()

- (void) modifyInvitation: (NSString *)  inviteID
data: (NSString *)  data
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

Modify the invitation (supported only in 6.7 and later versions)

Only "data", the custom field of the invitation, can be modified. Invitations that can only be received by online users cannot be modified.