IM features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication. It also provides complete app access and backend management APIs.


NSString * title
NSString * desc
NSString * ext
BOOL disablePush
V2TIMIOSOfflinePushType iOSPushType
BOOL ignoreIOSBadge
NSString * iOSSound
NSString * AndroidSound
NSString * AndroidOPPOChannelID
NSString * AndroidFCMChannelID
NSString * AndroidXiaoMiChannelID
NSInteger AndroidVIVOClassification
NSString * AndroidVIVOCategory
NSString * AndroidHuaWeiCategory

Property Documentation

◆ title

- (NSString*) title

Notification title(This field must be set for custom message offline push)

◆ desc

- (NSString*) desc

Notification content.

◆ ext

- (NSString*) ext

Extended field passed through by offline push The party that receives the offline push can get this field in UIApplicationDelegate -> didReceiveRemoteNotification -> userInfo, and use this field to make UI jump logic.

◆ disablePush

- (BOOL) disablePush

Whether to disable push (push enabled by default)

◆ iOSPushType

- (V2TIMIOSOfflinePushType) iOSPushType

The type of offline push on iOS (valid only for iOS) Default value is V2TIM_IOS_OFFLINE_PUSH_TYPE_APNS

◆ ignoreIOSBadge

- (BOOL) ignoreIOSBadge

Whether to ignore the badge count for offline push (valid only for iOS)

If this parameter is set to YES, the unread message count on the app badge will not increase when the message is received by the iOS device.

◆ iOSSound

- (NSString*) iOSSound

Offline push sound setting (valid only for iOS)

When iOSSound is kIOSOfflinePushNoSound, no sound is played when a message is received. When iOSSound is kIOSOfflinePushDefaultSound, the system alert sound is played when a message is received. To customize iOSSound, link the audio file to the Xcode project and set iOSSound to the audio filename (with the extension name).

◆ AndroidSound

- (NSString*) AndroidSound

Offline push sound setting (valid only for Android, supported only in imsdk 6.1 and later versions)

Only Huawei and Google phones support setting ringtone. And Xiaomi needs refer to .

In addition, Google phones using FCM to set the sound prompt on Android 8.0 and above systems, which needs to be configured in notification channel, please refer to the interface AndroidFCMChannelID

To customize AndroidSound: The ringtone file name in the raw directory of the Android project, no suffix is required.

◆ AndroidOPPOChannelID

- (NSString*) AndroidOPPOChannelID

Offline push sets the ChannelID pushed by OPPO mobile phone, only supports 8.0 system and above. (It is necessary to set the application configuration to access the OPPO push)

◆ AndroidFCMChannelID

- (NSString*) AndroidFCMChannelID

Offline push sets the ChannelID pushed by Google FCM mobile phone, only supports 8.0 system and above.

◆ AndroidXiaoMiChannelID

- (NSString*) AndroidXiaoMiChannelID

Offline push sets the ChannelID pushed by XiaoMi mobile phone, only supports 8.0 system and above.

◆ AndroidVIVOClassification

- (NSInteger) AndroidVIVOClassification

Offline push setting for VIVO push classification. (It is deprecated and discouraged to call this function. The VIVO push service has optimize the message classification rules on April 3, 2023. Please call API AndroidVIVOCategory instead.) Offline push message classification for vivo phones. 0: operation message; 1: system message. The default value is 1.

◆ AndroidVIVOCategory

- (NSString*) AndroidVIVOCategory

Offline push setting for VIVO push category,See details: (The VIVO push service has optimize the message classification rules on April 3, 2023. Please call API AndroidVIVOCategory instead.)

◆ AndroidHuaWeiCategory

- (NSString*) AndroidHuaWeiCategory

Offline push setting for HuaWei push category,See details: