Community permission capability bits.
Enumerator |
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_GROUP_INFO | Permission to modify group information. If this is set to 0, the members do not have this permission. If it is set to 1, the members have this permission.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_GROUP_MEMBER | Group member management permissions, including removing members, approving new member requests, modifying member profile, etc. If this is set to 0, the members do not have the permission. If it is set to 1, the members have the permissions.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_PERMISSION_GROUP_INFO | Permissions to manage permission groups, including creating, modifying, and deleting permission groups and topic permissions. If it is set to 0, the members do not have the permissions. If it is set to 1, the members have the permissions.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_PERMISSION_GROUP_MEMBER | Permissions to manage permission group members, including inviting new members and removing existing members, etc. If it is set to 0, the members do not have the permissions. If it is set to 1, the members have the permissions.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_TOPIC_IN_COMMUNITY | Topic management permissions, including creating, modifying, and deleting topics, etc. If it is set to 0, the members do not have the permissions. If it is set to 1, the members have the permissions.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MUTE_MEMBER | Permission to mute a group member in all community topics. If it is set to 0, the members do not have the permissions. If it is set to 1, the members have the permissions.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_SEND_MESSAGE | Permission to send messages in all community topics. If it is set to 0, the members do not have the permission. If it is set to 1, the members have the permission.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_AT_ALL | Permission to send @all messages in all community topics. If it is set to 0, the members do not have the permission. If it is set to 1, the members have the permission.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_GET_HISTORY_MESSAGE | Permission to pull messages sent in all community topics before joining the group. If it is set to 0, the members do not have the permission. If it is set to 1, the members have the permission.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_REVOKE_OTHER_MEMBER_MESSAGE | Permission to recall others' messages in all community topics. If it is set to 0, the members do not have the permission. If it is set to 1, the members have the permission.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_BAN_MEMBER | Permission to ban a group member. If this is set to 0, the members do not have this permission. If it is set to 1, the members have this permission.
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_GROUP_INFO | 修改群资料权限。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_GROUP_MEMBER | 群成员管理权限,包含踢人,进群审核、修改成员资料等。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_PERMISSION_GROUP_INFO | 管理权限组资料权限,包含创建、修改、删除权限组;在权限组中添加、修改、删除话题权限。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限。
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_PERMISSION_GROUP_MEMBER | 权限组成员管理权限,包含邀请成员进权限组和把成员从权限组踢出等。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MANAGE_TOPIC_IN_COMMUNITY | 话题管理权限,包含创建、修改、删除话题等。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_MUTE_MEMBER | 对某群成员在社群下所有话题的禁言权限。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限。
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_SEND_MESSAGE | 群成员在社群下所有话题的发消息权限。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限。
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_AT_ALL | 在社群下所有话题发 at all 消息权限。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限。
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_GET_HISTORY_MESSAGE | 在社群下所有话题拉取入群前的历史消息权限。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限。
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_REVOKE_OTHER_MEMBER_MESSAGE | 在社群下所有话题撤回他人消息权限。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限。
V2TIM_COMMUNITY_PERMISSION_BAN_MEMBER | 封禁社群成员权限。该位设置为0,表示没有该权限;设置为1,表示有该权限。