IM features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication. It also provides complete app access and backend management APIs.


V2TIMGroupInfoChangeType type
NSString * value
NSString * key
BOOL boolValue
uint32_t intValue
uint64_t uint64Value

Property Documentation

◆ type

- (V2TIMGroupInfoChangeType) type

Group profile change type.

◆ value

- (NSString*) value

Value has different meanings depending on the change type. For example, when type is V2TIM_GROUP_INFO_CHANGE_TYPE_NAME, value indicates the new group name.

◆ key

- (NSString*) key

Value of key of the custom field modified (valid only when type is V2TIM_GROUP_INFO_CHANGE_TYPE_CUSTOM) For historical reasons, if only the custom group field is modified, the current message will not be saved to the roaming server or database.

◆ boolValue

- (BOOL) boolValue

BoolValue has different meanings depending on the change type(valid when type is V2TIM_GROUP_INFO_CHANGE_TYPE_SHUT_UP_ALL or V2TIM_GROUP_INFO_CHANGE_TYPE_ENABLE_PERMISSION_GROUP)

◆ intValue

- (uint32_t) intValue

IntValue has different meanings depending on the change type

Only valid for the following types:
  • When type is V2TIM_GROUP_INFO_CHANGE_TYPE_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_OPT, this field indicates that the group message receiving option has changed, and its value refers to @V2TIMReceiveMessageOpt; (Supported only in imsdk 6.5 and later versions)
  • When type is V2TIM_GROUP_INFO_CHANGE_TYPE_GROUP_ADD_OPT, this field indicates that the approval option for applying for group addition has changed, and its value refers to @V2TIMGroupAddOpt; (Supported only in imsdk 6.5 and later versions)
  • When type is V2TIM_GROUP_INFO_CHANGE_TYPE_GROUP_APPROVE_OPT, this field indicates that the approval option for inviting into the group has changed, and its value refers to @V2TIMGroupAddOpt. (Supported only in imsdk 7.1 and later versions)

◆ uint64Value

- (uint64_t) uint64Value

Uint64Value has different meanings depending on the change type(valid only when type is V2TIM_GROUP_INFO_CHANGE_TYPE_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS)