IM features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication. It also provides complete app access and backend management APIs.

Detailed Description

Conversation filter.


V2TIMConversationType type
NSString * conversationGroup
NSUInteger markType
BOOL hasUnreadCount
BOOL hasGroupAtInfo

Property Documentation

◆ type

- (V2TIMConversationType) type

The conversation type(fill in 0 means do not filter this item)

◆ conversationGroup

- (NSString*) conversationGroup

Conversation group name Not setting means not filtering this item, setting it to "" means filtering conversations not belonging to any conversation group.

◆ markType

- (NSUInteger) markType

Conversation mark type Not setting means not filtering this item, setting the field to 0 means filtering conversations without any mark.

◆ hasUnreadCount

- (BOOL) hasUnreadCount

Conversation unread count Not setting means not filtering this item, setting to YES means filtering conversations with unread count; setting to NO means filtering conversations without unread count.

◆ hasGroupAtInfo

- (BOOL) hasGroupAtInfo

Conversation group at info Not setting means not filtering this item, setting to YES means filtering conversations with group @ messages; setting to NO means filtering conversations without group @ messages.