IM features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication. It also provides complete app access and backend management APIs.


V2TIMConversationType type
NSString * conversationID
NSString * userID
NSString * groupID
NSString * groupType
NSString * showName
NSString * faceUrl
int unreadCount
V2TIMReceiveMessageOpt recvOpt
NSArray< V2TIMGroupAtInfo * > * groupAtInfolist
NSString * draftText
NSDate * draftTimestamp
BOOL isPinned
NSUInteger orderKey
NSArray< NSNumber * > * markList
NSData * customData
NSArray< NSString * > * conversationGroupList
NSUInteger c2cReadTimestamp
NSUInteger groupReadSequence

Property Documentation

◆ type

- (V2TIMConversationType) type

Conversation type.

◆ conversationID

- (NSString*) conversationID

Unique ID of a conversation. For one-to-one chats, the value format is String.format("c2c_%s", "userID"). For group chats, the value format is String.format("group_%s", "groupID").

◆ userID

- (NSString*) userID

If the conversation is a one-to-one chat, the user ID of the remote user will be returned; otherwise, nil will be returned.

◆ groupID

- (NSString*) groupID

If the conversation is a group chat, the group ID will be returned; otherwise, nil will be returned.

◆ groupType

- (NSString*) groupType

Group type of a conversation (valid for group conversations only)

◆ showName

- (NSString*) showName

Get the conversation display name. The priorities are as follows:

  • Group: group name -> group ID
  • One-to-one: Alias -> nickname -> user ID

◆ faceUrl

- (NSString*) faceUrl

Conversation display profile photo.

  • Group: group profile photo
  • One-to-one: the remote user's profile photo

◆ unreadCount

- (int) unreadCount

Count of unread messages in a conversation.

◆ recvOpt

- (V2TIMReceiveMessageOpt) recvOpt

Message receiving option for a conversation (Receive | Receive but not notify | Not receive)

◆ lastMessage

- (V2TIMMessage*) lastMessage

Last message of a conversation

In versions earlier than 5.5.892, please sort conversations by "lastMessage -> timestamp". The later the timestamp, the higher a conversation will appear on the list.

◆ groupAtInfolist

- (NSArray<V2TIMGroupAtInfo *>*) groupAtInfolist

Get a list of @ messages. This API can be used to notify a user when they are mentioned or all members are mentioned in a group.

◆ draftText

- (NSString*) draftText

Get the draft of an unsent message (a draft message is stored locally only and will be lost after the app is reinstalled)

◆ draftTimestamp

- (NSDate*) draftTimestamp

Get the UTC timestamp when the draft was last set.

◆ isPinned

- (BOOL) isPinned

Whether to pin on top.

◆ orderKey

- (NSUInteger) orderKey

The field by which conversations are sorted (supported only in 5.5.892 and later)

  • The field orderKey is a number that increases linearly according to the last active time of conversations. Please note that this is not a timestamp because multiple conversations may be active at the same time.
  • For 5.5.892 and later versions, it is recommended that you sort all conversations by this field. The larger the orderKey value, the higher a conversation will appear on the list.
  • If all conversation messages are cleared or the messages of each conversation are deleted one by one, the lastMessage of the conversations will become empty, but orderKey will not change. Therefore, if you want to keep the sorting of conversations, you can use this field to sort conversations.

◆ markList

- (NSArray<NSNumber *>*) markList

Mark list of the conversation(supported only in 6.5 and later versions)

◆ customData

- (NSData*) customData

Custom data of the conversation(supported only in 6.5 and later versions)

◆ conversationGroupList

- (NSArray<NSString *>*) conversationGroupList

The conversation group list to which the conversation belongs.(supported only in 6.5 and later versions)

◆ c2cReadTimestamp

- (NSUInteger) c2cReadTimestamp

UTC timestamp of the latest message which has been read. Valid only for one-to-one chat.(supported only in 7.1 and later versions)

◆ groupReadSequence

- (NSUInteger) groupReadSequence

Sequence of the latest message which has been read. Valid only for group chat.(supported only in 7.1 and later versions)