IM features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication. It also provides complete app access and backend management APIs.

Instance Methods

(void) - createGroup:memberList:succ:fail:
(void) - getJoinedGroupList:fail:
(void) - getGroupsInfo:succ:fail:
(void) - searchGroups:succ:fail:
(void) - searchCloudGroups:succ:fail:
(void) - setGroupInfo:succ:fail:
(void) - initGroupAttributes:attributes:succ:fail:
(void) - setGroupAttributes:attributes:succ:fail:
(void) - deleteGroupAttributes:keys:succ:fail:
(void) - getGroupAttributes:keys:succ:fail:
(void) - getGroupOnlineMemberCount:succ:fail:
(void) - setGroupCounters:counters:succ:fail:
(void) - getGroupCounters:keys:succ:fail:
(void) - increaseGroupCounter:key:value:succ:fail:
(void) - decreaseGroupCounter:key:value:succ:fail:
(void) - getGroupMemberList:filter:nextSeq:succ:fail:
(void) - getGroupMembersInfo:memberList:succ:fail:
(void) - searchGroupMembers:succ:fail:
(void) - searchCloudGroupMembers:succ:fail:
(void) - setGroupMemberInfo:info:succ:fail:
(void) - muteGroupMember:member:muteTime:succ:fail:
(void) - muteAllGroupMembers:isMute:succ:fail:
(void) - inviteUserToGroup:userList:succ:fail:
(void) - kickGroupMember:memberList:reason:duration:succ:fail:
(void) - setGroupMemberRole:member:newRole:succ:fail:
(void) - markGroupMemberList:memberList:markType:enableMark:succ:fail:
(void) - transferGroupOwner:member:succ:fail:
(void) - kickGroupMember:memberList:reason:succ:fail:
(void) - getGroupApplicationList:fail:
(void) - acceptGroupApplication:reason:succ:fail:
(void) - refuseGroupApplication:reason:succ:fail:
(void) - setGroupApplicationRead:fail:

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ V2TIMGroupInfoListSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupInfoListSucc) (NSArray< V2TIMGroupInfo * > *groupList))

Callback definition on get the list of groups that the current user has joined.

◆ V2TIMGroupInfoResultListSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupInfoResultListSucc) (NSArray< V2TIMGroupInfoResult * > *groupResultList))

Callback definition on get specified group profiles.

◆ V2TIMGroupSearchResultSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupSearchResultSucc) (V2TIMGroupSearchResult *searchResult))

Callback definition on search cloud group.

◆ V2TIMGroupAttributeListSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupAttributeListSucc) (NSMutableDictionary< NSString *, NSString * > *groupAttributeList))

Callback definition on get specified group attributes.

◆ V2TIMGroupMemberInfoListSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupMemberInfoListSucc) (NSArray< V2TIMGroupMemberFullInfo * > *memberList))

Callback definition on get the group member list.

◆ V2TIMGroupMemberInfoResultSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupMemberInfoResultSucc) (uint64_t nextSeq, NSArray< V2TIMGroupMemberFullInfo * > *memberList))

Callback definition on get the profiles of specified group members.

◆ V2TIMGroupMemberInfoListSearchSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupMemberInfoListSearchSucc) (NSDictionary< NSString *, NSArray< V2TIMGroupMemberFullInfo * > * > *memberList))

Callback definition on search group members.

◆ V2TIMGroupMemberSearchResultSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupMemberSearchResultSucc) (V2TIMGroupMemberSearchResult *searchResult))

Callback definition on search cloud group members.

◆ V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResultListSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResultListSucc) (NSArray< V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResult * > *resultList))

Callback definition for operations related to group members.

◆ V2TIMGroupApplicationResultSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupApplicationResultSucc) (V2TIMGroupApplicationResult *result))

Callback definition on get group joining request list.

◆ V2TIMGroupOnlineMemberCountSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupOnlineMemberCountSucc) (NSInteger count))

Callback definition on get the number of online members of a group.

◆ V2TIMGroupCounterResultSucc

- (typedef void(^ V2TIMGroupCounterResultSucc) (NSDictionary< NSString *, NSNumber * > *groupCounters))

Callback definition on operate group counters.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ V2TIMGroupAddOpt

- (enum V2TIMGroupAddOpt) :

Enumeration definition of group joining approval type.


Forbid anyone to join the group.


Require admin approval.


Anyone can join.

◆ V2TIMGroupMemberResult

- (enum V2TIMGroupMemberResult) :

Enumeration definition of operation result related to group members.


Operation failed.


Operation succeeded.


Invalid operation: already in the group when being added to the group, or not in the group when being removed from the group.


To be processed: waiting to be approved when being invited to join a group.


Operation failed: when specifying the initial group member list or inviting a user to join the group during group creation, the total number of groups that the invitee joins exceeds the limit.

◆ V2TIMGroupMemberFilter

- (enum V2TIMGroupMemberFilter) :

Enumeration definition of filter type for group members.


All group members.


Group owner.


Group admin.


Group member.

◆ V2TIMGroupApplicationType

- (enum V2TIMGroupApplicationType) :

Enumeration definition of group request type.


Request to join a group and need for administer or group owner's approval.


Be invited to join a group and need for invitee's approval.


Be invited to join a group and need for administer or group owner's approval.

◆ V2TIMGroupApplicationHandleStatus

- (enum V2TIMGroupApplicationHandleStatus) :

Enumeration definition of processing status for group request.


Not handled.


Handled by others.


Handled by yourself.

◆ V2TIMGroupApplicationHandleResult

- (enum V2TIMGroupApplicationHandleResult) :

Enumeration definition of process result for group request.


Reject a request.


Accept a request.

Method Documentation

◆ createGroup:memberList:succ:fail:()

- (void) createGroup: (V2TIMGroupInfo *)  info
memberList: (NSArray< V2TIMCreateGroupMemberInfo * > *)  memberList
succ: (V2TIMCreateGroupSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

1.1 Create a custom group (the advanced version API allows you to specify initial group members)

infoCustom group information, including the groupID, groupType, groupName, notification, introduction, and faceURL fields
memberListSpecify initial group members (Audio-video groups do not support specifying initial group members. Pass in null for memberList.)
  • Limited by backgroud service, the number of memberList must be less than or equal to 20.
  • For other limits, please see V2TIMManager.createGroup remarks.

◆ getJoinedGroupList:fail:()

- (void) getJoinedGroupList: (V2TIMGroupInfoListSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

1.2 Get the list of groups that the current user has joined

  • Audio-video groups (AVChatRoom) do not support this API.
  • This API implements frequency limit checks. It can be called by the SDK for up to 10 times per second. When the limit is exceeded, the error ERR_SDK_COMM_API_CALL_FREQUENCY_LIMIT (7008) is reported.

◆ getGroupsInfo:succ:fail:()

- (void) getGroupsInfo: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  groupIDList
succ: (V2TIMGroupInfoResultListSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.1 Pull group profiles

groupIDListList of group IDs

◆ searchGroups:succ:fail:()

- (void) searchGroups: (V2TIMGroupSearchParam *)  searchParam
succ: (V2TIMGroupInfoListSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.2 Search for local group profiles (supported only in Chat Premium 5.4.666 and later versions)

This API will search all the groups whose group name is included in the keyword list specifed in searchParam and return the group profiles list. The keyword list supports up to 5 keywords.

◆ searchCloudGroups:succ:fail:()

- (void) searchCloudGroups: (V2TIMGroupSearchParam *)  searchParam
succ: (V2TIMGroupSearchResultSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.3 Search for cloud group profiles (supported only in 8.4 and later versions)

searchParamGroup search parameter. For details, see the definition of V2TIMGroupSearchParam.
  • This feature is a value-added service of Group. Please refer to the pricing details for more information.
  • If you have not activated this service, calling the interface will return error code 60020.

◆ setGroupInfo:succ:fail:()

- (void) setGroupInfo: (V2TIMGroupInfo *)  info
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.4 Modify group profiles

◆ initGroupAttributes:attributes:succ:fail:()

- (void) initGroupAttributes: (NSString *)  groupID
attributes: (NSDictionary< NSString *, NSString * > *)  attributes
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.5 Initialize group attributes (this operation will clear the existing group attribute list)

Use limits of attributes::
  • Group attribute is supported only for audio-video groups (AVChatRoom) by 6.7 and earlier versions.
  • Group attribute is supported for 4 group types (AVChatRoom, Public, Meeting, Work groups) in 6.8 and later versions.
  • Group attribute is supported for all group types except topics in 7.0 and later versions.
  • Up to 16 keys are supported, with a length limit of 32 bytes.
  • The length limit for value is 4 KB.
  • The total length limit for attributes (including keys and values) is 16 KB.
  • The combined SDK rate limit for the initGroupAttributes, setGroupAttributes, and deleteGroupAttributes APIs is 10 calls every 5 seconds. If the limit is exceeded, the 8511 error code will be returned. The combined backend rate limit for the APIs is 5 calls per second. If the limit is exceeded, the 10049 error code will be returned.
  • The getGroupAttributes API can be called by the SDK for up to 20 times per 5 seconds.
  • Starting from version 5.6, when you modify group attributes for the first time after the app is started, please call getGroupAttributes to pull the latest group attributes before you initiate the modification operation.
  • Starting from version 5.6, when multiple users modify the same group attributes at the same time, only the first user can execute successfully, and other users will receive the 10056 error code. After receiving this error code, please call getGroupAttributes to update the locally stored group attributes to the latest before you initiate the modification operation.

◆ setGroupAttributes:attributes:succ:fail:()

- (void) setGroupAttributes: (NSString *)  groupID
attributes: (NSDictionary< NSString *, NSString * > *)  attributes
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.6 Set group attributes. (If the group attributes already exist, their values are updated. Otherwise, the group attributes are added.)

  • Group attribute is supported only for audio-video groups (AVChatRoom) by 6.7 and earlier versions.
  • Group attribute is supported for 4 group types (AVChatRoom, Public, Meeting, Work groups) in 6.8 and later versions.
  • Group attribute is supported for all group types except topics in 7.0 and later versions.

◆ deleteGroupAttributes:keys:succ:fail:()

- (void) deleteGroupAttributes: (NSString *)  groupID
keys: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  keys
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.7 Delete specified group attributes (If null is passed in for keys, all group attributes are cleared.)

  • Group attribute is supported only for audio-video groups (AVChatRoom) by 6.7 and earlier versions.
  • Group attribute is supported for 4 group types (AVChatRoom, Public, Meeting, Work groups) in 6.8 and later versions.
  • Group attribute is supported for all group types except topics in 7.0 and later versions.

◆ getGroupAttributes:keys:succ:fail:()

- (void) getGroupAttributes: (NSString *)  groupID
keys: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  keys
succ: (V2TIMGroupAttributeListSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.8 Get specified group attributes (If null is passed in for keys, all group attributes are obtained.)

  • Group attribute is supported only for audio-video groups (AVChatRoom) by 6.7 and earlier versions.
  • Group attribute is supported for 4 group types (AVChatRoom, Public, Meeting, Work groups) in 6.8 and later versions.
  • Group attribute is supported for all group types except topics in 7.0 and later versions.

◆ getGroupOnlineMemberCount:succ:fail:()

- (void) getGroupOnlineMemberCount: (NSString *)  groupID
succ: (V2TIMGroupOnlineMemberCountSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.9 Get the number of online members of a group

  • This API is only supported by audio-video groups(AVChatRoom) before IMSDK 7.3 version.
  • You can call this API for all kinds of groups in IMSDK 7.3 and later versions.

◆ setGroupCounters:counters:succ:fail:()

- (void) setGroupCounters: (NSString *)  groupID
counters: (NSDictionary< NSString *, NSNumber * > *)  counters
succ: (V2TIMGroupCounterResultSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.10 Set group counters (supported only in 7.0 and later versions)

  • If the group counters already exist, their values will be updated. Otherwise, the group counters will be added.
  • If the group counters are set successfully, their information will be returned via the succ callback.
  • Group counter is supported for all group types except community and topics.

◆ getGroupCounters:keys:succ:fail:()

- (void) getGroupCounters: (NSString *)  groupID
keys: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  keys
succ: (V2TIMGroupCounterResultSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.11 Get group counters (supported only in 7.0 and later versions)

  • If keys is empty or nil, it means to obtain all counters in the group.
  • Group counter is supported for all group types except community and topics.

◆ increaseGroupCounter:key:value:succ:fail:()

- (void) increaseGroupCounter: (NSString *)  groupID
key: (NSString *)  key
value: (NSInteger)  value
succ: (V2TIMGroupCounterResultSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.12 Increase group counters (supported only in 7.0 and later versions)

groupIDGroup ID
keyThe key of counter
valueIncrement of the group counter. The new value of the counter will be the old value plus this parameter (new_value = old_value + value).
succCallback of success,returns the value of the current counter after increment
failCallback of failure
  • The callback will return the new value of the counter.
  • If the key specified already exists, its value will be increased. Otherwise, a key whose value is 0 will be added first, and then the value will be increased as specified.
  • Group counter is supported for all group types except community and topics.

◆ decreaseGroupCounter:key:value:succ:fail:()

- (void) decreaseGroupCounter: (NSString *)  groupID
key: (NSString *)  key
value: (NSInteger)  value
succ: (V2TIMGroupCounterResultSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

2.13 Decrease group counters (supported only in 7.0 and later versions)

groupIDGroup ID
keyThe key of counter
valueDecrement of the group counter. The new value of the counter will be the old value minus this parameter (new_value = old_value - value).
succCallback of success,returns the value of the current counter after decrement
failCallback of failure
  • The callback will return the new value of the counter.
  • If the key specified already exists, its value will be decreased. Otherwise, a key whose value is 0 will be added first, and then the value will be decreased as specified.
  • Group counter is supported for all group types except community and topics.

◆ getGroupMemberList:filter:nextSeq:succ:fail:()

- (void) getGroupMemberList: (NSString *)  groupID
filter: (uint32_t)  filter
nextSeq: (uint64_t)  nextSeq
succ: (V2TIMGroupMemberInfoResultSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.1 Get the group member list

filterSpecify the group member type.
nextSeqPulling-by-page flag. Pass in 0 when the information is pulled for the first time. If the nextSeq returned by the onSuccess callback is not 0, the results are paginated, and you need to pass in the nextSeq returned and pull again. Repeat until the nextSeq returned becomes 0.
  • Restrictions for normal groups(Work, Meeting, Public):
  1. The filter field can only be set to the value defined in V2TIMGroupMemberFilter, then you can get the members of the corresponding role.
  • Restrictions for audio-video groups(AVChatRoom):
  1. If you set the filter to the value defined in V2TIMGroupMemberFullInfo, you will get all the members. The maximum number of members that can be obtained is 1,000. Newer members will appear at the top of the list. To use this feature, you need to upgrade to the Premium edition(supported only in 6.3 and later versions) and turn on "List of online audio-video group members" in the Chat console.
  2. If you set the filter to custom markType defined by yourself, you can get the members of the corresponding markType in the Premium edition. Please refer to the API markGroupMemberList to mark group members.
  3. After the app is restarted, please join the group again. Otherwise, the 10007 error code will be reported when you pull the group member list.
  4. Only the following fields are supported in group member profiles: userID, nickName, faceURL, and role.
  • Restrictions for Community groups:
  1. If you set the filter to the value defined in V2TIMGroupMemberFilter, you will get the the members of corresponding role.
  2. If you set the filter to custom markType defined by yourself, you can get the members of the corresponding markType in the Premium Edition. Please refer to the API markGroupMemberList to mark group member list(supported only in 7.5 and later versions).

◆ getGroupMembersInfo:memberList:succ:fail:()

- (void) getGroupMembersInfo: (NSString *)  groupID
memberList: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  memberList
succ: (V2TIMGroupMemberInfoListSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.2 Get the profiles of specified group members

◆ searchGroupMembers:succ:fail:()

- (void) searchGroupMembers: (V2TIMGroupMemberSearchParam *)  searchParam
succ: (V2TIMGroupMemberInfoListSearchSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.3 Search for local group members (supported only in Chat Premium 5.4.666 and later versions)

searchParamSearch parameters

◆ searchCloudGroupMembers:succ:fail:()

- (void) searchCloudGroupMembers: (V2TIMGroupMemberSearchParam *)  searchParam
succ: (V2TIMGroupMemberSearchResultSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.4 Search for cloud group members (supported only in 8.4 and later versions)

searchParamGroup member search parameter. For details, see the definition of V2TIMGroupMemberSearchParam.
  • This feature is a value-added service of Group. Please refer to the pricing details for more information.
  • If you have not activated this service, calling the interface will return error code 60020.

◆ setGroupMemberInfo:info:succ:fail:()

- (void) setGroupMemberInfo: (NSString *)  groupID
info: (V2TIMGroupMemberFullInfo *)  info
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.5 Modify the profiles of specified group members

◆ muteGroupMember:member:muteTime:succ:fail:()

- (void) muteGroupMember: (NSString *)  groupID
member: (NSString *)  userID
muteTime: (uint32_t)  seconds
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.6 Mute a specific group member (this API can be called by the admin or group owner)

secondsTime period (seconds) during which the specified user will be muted.

◆ muteAllGroupMembers:isMute:succ:fail:()

- (void) muteAllGroupMembers: (NSString *)  groupID
isMute: (BOOL)  isMute
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.7 Mute all group members (supported only in 7.5 and later versions)

groupIDGroup ID
isMuteYES means mute, NO means unmute
  • Mute all group members indefinitely. You can set isMute to false to unmute all group members.
  • All group members will receive onAllGroupMembersMuted:isMute: notification after this API is called successfully.
  • Only the group owner and admin can call this API.

◆ inviteUserToGroup:userList:succ:fail:()

- (void) inviteUserToGroup: (NSString *)  groupID
userList: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  userList
succ: (V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResultListSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.8 Invite users to a group

The limits for different types of groups are as follows:
  • Work group (Work): Anyone in the group can invite others to the group.
  • Meeting group (Meeting) and public group (Public): By default, users are not allowed to join the group through invitation. You can modify the groupApproveOpt field of V2TIMGroupInfo to open it. After that, all the group members can invite others to join the group.
  • Audio-video group (AVChatRoom): Inviting users to a group is not supported.
  • Limited by backgroud service, the number of userList must be less than or equal to 20.

◆ kickGroupMember:memberList:reason:duration:succ:fail:()

- (void) kickGroupMember: (NSString *)  groupID
memberList: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  memberList
reason: (NSString *)  reason
duration: (uint32_t)  duration
succ: (V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResultListSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.9 Remove a member from a group

groupIDGroup ID
memberListThe list of members to remove
reasonThe reason the member is removed
durationTime interval during which the target users will not be allowed to join the group again after being kicked out of the group in seconds
succCallback of success
failCallback of failure
  • You can specificy a time interval in seconds during which the target users will not be allowed to join the group again after being kicked out of the group from 7.2 version.
  • Work group (Work): only the group owner or app admin can remove a member from a group.
  • Meeting group (Meeting) and public group (Public): the group owner, group admin, and app admin can remove a member from a group.
  • Audio-video group (AVChatRoom): only muting(muteGroupMember) is supported in versions prior to 6.6. Both muting(muteGroupMember) and kicking(kickGroupMember) are supported in 6.6 and later versions. You need to buy the Premium edition to use this feature.
  • Please refer to the following link for other usage restrictions of this interface:

◆ setGroupMemberRole:member:newRole:succ:fail:()

- (void) setGroupMemberRole: (NSString *)  groupID
member: (NSString *)  userID
newRole: (uint32_t)  role
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.10 Set the role of a group member

The limits for different types of groups are as follows:
  • Work group (Work) does not support setting group member roles.
  • Only the group owner can switch the role of a group member between common member and admin.
  • To transfer a group, please call the transferGroupOwner API.
  • For a meeting group (Meeting), after a group member role is set, there will be no onGrantAdministrator or onRevokeAdministrator callback.
  • Roles that can be set are common member (V2TIM_GROUP_MEMBER_ROLE_MEMBER) and admin (V2TIM_GROUP_MEMBER_ROLE_ADMIN).

◆ markGroupMemberList:memberList:markType:enableMark:succ:fail:()

- (void) markGroupMemberList: (NSString *)  groupID
memberList: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  memberList
markType: (uint32_t)  markType
enableMark: (BOOL)  enableMark
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.11 Mark group members (supported only by the Premium edition)

groupIDGroup's identifier.
memberListGroup member's identifier list.
markTypeThe mark type is uint32_t, and the value must be equal or greater than 1000. You can customize it. A maximum of 10 marks are allowed to be defined in a group.
enableMarkSet or remove. YES means setting the mark, and NO means removing the mark.
Attention please:
  • Supported in Audio-video group (AVChatRoom) in 6.6 and later versions.
  • Supported in Community group in 7.5 and later versions.
  • Only the group owner has permission to mark other members in the group.

◆ transferGroupOwner:member:succ:fail:()

- (void) transferGroupOwner: (NSString *)  groupID
member: (NSString *)  userID
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.12 Change the group owner

The limits for different types of groups are as follows:
  • Common groups (Work, Public, and Meeting): only the group owner has the permission to change the group owner.
  • Audio-video group (AVChatRoom): changing the group owner is not supported.

◆ kickGroupMember:memberList:reason:succ:fail:()

- (void) kickGroupMember: (NSString *)  groupID
memberList: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  memberList
reason: (NSString *)  reason
succ: (V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResultListSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

3.13 Remove a member from a group (supported for AVChatRoom only in Chat Premium 6.6 and later versions)

The limits are as follows:
  • This API will be deprecated. Please call kickGroupMember:memberList:reason:duration:succ:fail: instead.
  • Work group (Work): only the group owner or app admin can remove a member from a group.
  • Meeting group (Meeting) and public group (Public): the group owner, group admin, and app admin can remove a member from a group.
  • Audio-video group (AVChatRoom): only muting(muteGroupMember) is supported in versions prior to 6.6. Both muting(muteGroupMember) and kicking(kickGroupMember) are supported in 6.6 and later versions.
  • Please refer to the following link for other usage restrictions of this interface:

◆ getGroupApplicationList:fail:()

- (void) getGroupApplicationList: (V2TIMGroupApplicationResultSucc succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

4.1 Get the group joining request list

Up to 50 requests are supported

◆ acceptGroupApplication:reason:succ:fail:()

- (void) acceptGroupApplication: (V2TIMGroupApplication *)  application
reason: (NSString *)  reason
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

4.2 Approve a group joining request

◆ refuseGroupApplication:reason:succ:fail:()

- (void) refuseGroupApplication: (V2TIMGroupApplication *)  application
reason: (NSString *)  reason
succ: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

4.3 Reject a group joining request

◆ setGroupApplicationRead:fail:()

- (void) setGroupApplicationRead: (V2TIMSucc)  succ
fail: (V2TIMFail)  fail 

4.4 Mark the group joining request list as read